Kübra Baysal


Speculating about future based on the present, climate change fiction (cli-fi) seems to have proved its unique potential to predict the environmental and social repercussions of the forced anthropogenic transformation(s) on Earth. As a cli-fi and horror novel, it is hardly a coincidence that the British author, Adam Nevill’s Lost Girl (2015) predicts no less with its haunting atmosphere. Envisioning a total collapse of the world through grim depictions of the nonhuman environment and restless societies, it recounts the dangerous quest of a father to find his lost daughter amidst (un)natural disasters, pandemics, and chaos. In the oddly realistic world of Lost Girl, originating from extreme weather conditions and the loss of natural balance, new strains of deadly viruses take hold of the world. Prophesying the coronavirus pandemic and other calamities that actually came out to be true five years later, in 2020; such as the destructive wildfires in Australia or the heatwaves in Europe among others, Lost Girl is a noteworthy cli-fi novel with its realistic touch leaving a permanent wake-up call effect on the reader to change their anthropocentric way of living through a posthuman perspective.


coronavirus, pandemic, calamity, cli-fi, the Anthropocene, posthuman.

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