Lamila Simisic Pasic, Meliha Teparic


In this review of the exhibition of the student’s research projects in the master’s class Digital Design Studio of Architectural Program within the International University of Sarajevo, mentor and curators Lamila Simisic Pasic and Meliha Teparic are giving an analysis of the settings, aims, and purpose of the show. The exhibition is about an attempt to follow the novelties that the 21st century is bringing into the creation process, such as the involvement of artificial intelligence (AI) within creative fields. Students started with discovering, analyzing, and classifying the results of visual impacts from their travel from home to school. The synthesis came out from a mixture of artificial and real. Then, they merged their physical experiences transformed into visual imagery and digital outputs discovered through the lens of AI into one coherent and intuitive experience. Finally, students used machine learning as a direct collaborator for expanding their imaginations, particularly the diffusion model, which visualizes images out of the text, better known as text-to-image or, its extension, text-to-animation! Using these techniques, students reconstructed their voyages into more visionary landscapes, trying to emphasize, bold, and enlarge dilemmas and concerns of nowadays and refract a multisensory experience to tell the story. The exhibition was held in the Art Gallery of the International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, at the end of 2022.


architecture; exhibition; artificial intelligence; contemporary art; place.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21533/epiphany.v15i2.414


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