Charles Alex Patrick, Abiodun Abednego Abiodun-Daniel, C. A. Adetuvi, J.A. Adegboye


This study examines language use among soldiers in the Odogbo army barracks in Ojoo-Ibadan during training and parade activities. A good number of scholars have investigated language use in the armed forces, and many of them adopted different approaches and arrived at different conclusions. However, there is a paucity of scholarship on the shared knowledge that soldiers deploy in their language during training, parades, and other special activities. The study adopts a qualitative method since the data involved are descriptive. The data used in this study was harvested through participant observations of parade activities by soldiers, as were the audio recordings of army interactions during a parade. Odogbo Army Barracks in Ojoo, Ibadan, was purposefully selected since it was the first barracks in Ibadan and was saddled with the responsibility of coordinating the military activities in southwestern Nigeria. The collected data were analysed from sociolinguistic perspective through identification and interpretation in the military context vis-à-vis the interlocutor. The paper concluded that soldiers’ language in parade involves an authoritative style obeyed by the parade troop as a result of shared knowledge.


discourse; military culture; parade; paralanguage; speech community

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21533/epiphany.v15i2.415


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