Lejla Mustoo Başer


Effective psychotherapy process neither relies solely on techniques employed, nor therapeutic alliance. Various, independently occurring, intrapsychic processes may significantly contribute to a therapist's attunement capacity. Attunement, with the perspective ranging from affective areas to the field of relational needs, goes beyond empathy. Such connections require therapists' emotional equilibrium and self-soothing capacities, that may be governed by emotional intelligence (EQ). By mechanisms within epigenetic interplay, and with an individual engagement in self-growth, activities intended on EQ increase may offer to expand their own „window of tolerance“. Psychotherapy educational programs represent an example of how emotional competencies may increase due to training requests, and frequent exposure to intensive self-growth processes, that go beyond acquiring necessary skills focused on the client. The aim of this paper is to, from a theoretical perspective, discuss the role of emotional intelligence in the intrapsychic attunement of trainees in the process of psychotherapy training.


emotional intelligence, attunement, training, psychotherapy

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