Personal Narrative on the Education Processes in Bosnia-Herzegovina

J. Cynthia McDermott, Lejla Panjeta


The first section of this paper describes briefly the history of education reform in the former Yugoslavia. Under the leadership of Josip Broz Tito (1892-1980), who made a significant and lasting commitment to education, vast improvements were made in the educational system. The significant legislative reforms in the education system were introduced under Tito's regime. Then, this paper also weaves together the personal narrative of Professor Lejla Panjeta, a student during the 1472 day siege of Sarajevo. Students' commitment to receive the education regardless of the physical dangers clearly reflects the role of education in a modern context. The paper concludes with a brief analysis of the post-conflict educational process in Bosnia-Herzegovina.    


Bosnian War; University of Sarajevo; Education; Josip Broz Tito; 1472; Siege of Sarajevo; Conflict and Former Yugoslavia

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