Simonetta Silvestri


Since colonial times, Somalia has been going through authoritarian and/or democratic transitions. The transitory position of Somalia was determined by geography, religion, ethnicity, tribal origins, socio-economic, and political system. Somalia is one of the longest protracted crises in the world and recurrently victim of the violent extremism that breathes into the political, social and economic country’s unrest. Somalia remains a major threat to peace and stability in the Horn of Africa. More importantly, continuous uprisings, violence, and conflicts threaten peace, stability, and security in Somalia. This paper examines the root causes of these developments by considering international, regional and domestic actors in state security, peace, and stability. How tackling of terrorism, extremism and organized crime are conditioned by the effectiveness of the system of governance, the rule of law, economic growth and development and, more importantly, state security, police, and defense. This paper also placed the questions of terrorism and conflict within a global security framework and the fight against terrorism, organized crime, and illegal human trafficking and migrations.


Security; Governance; Peace; State-Building; Ideology

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